Remote Audio/Visual Alarms for The Breather Box® - Portable Grade-D Breathing Air Filtration
Remote alarms duplicate local alarms found on primary equipment, such as a Breather Box® or air filtration panel. The alarm is brought into the remote work space and alerts workers if a system fault alarm occurs. Depending on the alarm, the alert can be audible, visual, or both.
Remote Alarms for Breather Box® Models, 9-12 VDC
- 50-ALM Audible alarm, 95 dBA, includes 50’ cable, 9-12 VDC.
- 50-ALMH High intensity audible alarm, 120 dBA, includes 50’ cable, 9-12 VDC.
- 50-ALMST Audible alarm, mounted visual strobe and guard, 50’ cable, 9-12 VDC.
- 50-ALMSTH High intensity audible alarm, 120 dBA, with mounted visual strobe and guard, includes 50’ cable, 9-12 VDC
View Breather Boxes here.
Air Systems
Air Systems International
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